Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Features from the Void: Concerning Ways of the Stygia II

Ways of the Stygia

The Stygian Tongue:
Hardly speak Stygian?

Susteni-  (sus- tin- A)
Of Substance.  Matter.  Life energy.

Volta- (vul- ta)
Lightning, electricity- shock

Susteni Volta!
(Spell: Electrocute. Phrase definition: substance to lightning)

If you read my last article, you’re probably thoroughly confused.  If you haven’t read either Ways of the Stygia- Banner or Fallen Song yet, don’t worry.  I’m not giving away spoilers- per say.  I would prefer to think of them as offerings- or Easter eggs.
If you keep reading, you are definitely going to learn more about Ways of the Stygia.
I’m going to start out by saying I have big plans for the WotS universe.  First up are these articles, which I will try to keep up with indefinitely.  I don’t plan to flog myself weekly for facts regarding the progressing WotS universe, but I am hoping to not keep you in the dark going forward- pun intended.
The big news is Book one, the previously unreleased Cult of Morgod is completed.  The interior for the paperback is complete- the cover is immaculate…  I couldn’t be prouder of this novel.  It is absolutely one of my largest achievements in my personal life.  I’m also going to go out on a limb and say something here- it makes me sad to release Morgod.  I almost want to keep it for myself.  Because I am selfish.  I was selfish when I wrote it.  I wasn’t going to let someone tell me what to do in my own story.  Even if one of the largest publishers on Earth wanted Ways of the Stygia as a series whole, I would have to retain the freedoms I have given myself when writing these novels.  With my goal accomplished, in having Cult of Morgod unrestricted by any input other than my own, I have a finished product…  So why am I sad?
Because most of you have never heard of me, a lot of you will not read Morgod.  I believe in this book- the plot, the characters.  I hope you check it out.

Cult of Morgod has a diverse cast of characters, some recurring, and others, new to readers.  Some returning characters from the series are, Thomas Van Pelt, Henry, Franco Birat Oni, Banner, Kain, Loki, Saverus, and Lucifer.  These characters have several story threads within the novel, which takes place before Fallen Song, before recorded history.  Hell, if the events in this book had actually occurred it would have delayed written records…  
Here’s some of the goings on:
Morgod is a gruesome foe.  He spends energy well maintaining his image.  Thomas is young.  Franco’s a thinker.  Henry is Henry.  Many dynamics are different.  Loki sits on the Barren Throne, and Lords over Purgatory.  Saverus is bloodthirsty- but just, heroic even?  Banner is sent to deliver a message in a perilous mission, in a place once holy.  Hiratchi, the demon lord in Fallen Song shows the reader how he earned his reputation.  The first vampire, a lady I wrote a book about is born to the night…  Morgod, and his Revels (arc angels born in another galaxy) continue to decimate life on Earth…  Lucifer- ah the devil, well he has his own agendas…  You will see Kain in way you never have- Thomas too- You’ll meet Maku- the grandmaster…

I wanted this to be a special release.  I have put out several novels in paperback this year (purchase here) but Morgod, like Faus is special to me.  More articles will follow this one leading up to release day, and there will be a .99 Ways of the Stygia sale beginning on Sept 17th.  The sale includes both the Ways of the Stygia- Fallen Song (Amazon Prime Edition) (eBook) (Paperback) and Banner.  The last sale day for Fallen Song (Amazon Prime Ed) is 9/21.  Banner gets an extra sale day ending on 9/22.  This is a great way to get the entire series at once.  If the series interests you, I would encourage you to get ‘em while they’re hot.
 As a side note, you might be wondering something about Fallen Song, why two covers? 
My answer: The Amazon Prime Edition, the one with the B&W eyeballs, is not going to stick around.  It will be unpublished when the paperback reaches a particular sales mark, or by the original date Fallen song was published.  As for content, the Prime edition features the same story- unaltered- and a sample of Cult of Morgod.  Both the paperback and eBook have extra images not found in the author’s cut. 
Thanks for reading- more is still to come.

Donny Swords

Cult of Morgod will be live on the Amazon website September 19, 2014.

Follow Ways of the Stygia on Facebook


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Features from the Void: Ways of the Stygia

Features From The Void:

Concerning Ways of the Stygia I…

1.      Definition of Stygian (adj)
Bing Dictionary
o    Styg·i·an
o    [ stíjjee ən ]
3.      pitch-black: unremittingly dark and frightening, as hell is imagined to be
4.      of Styx: relating to the Styx, the river in Greek mythology that the souls of the dead were ferried across into Hades
5.      binding: eternally binding, as were promises sworn on the banks of the river Styx in Greek mythology

The creation of Purgatory was a part of my conception all along.  Ways of the Stygia Fallen Song delves into Thomas Van Pelt’s personal damnation.  His is a tough journey where the only way through is full of self-discovery, and blood.
Ways of the Stygia is a series that has its own set of rules, governed by dynamics that run opposite of this world.  The series contains graphic violence and depictions of some rather gruesome events.  I am not going to compromise my stories for the sake of a few.  I also am not out to capitalize on violence for the sake of violence.  I did not come wired that way.  The things within the series that offend some people only do so because violence should be disturbing.
The realities I create tell a broad story, over a vast array of possible settings, full of several interesting and well-developed characters.  After reading Ways of the Stygia- Fallen Song, they would eventually come to understand each character in the series is part of a vast universe.
I may choose and do write about any character I choose, and I like to write with depth.  If you are reading about Darrel, then he is going to get as much attention as Henry does.  Fallen Song revolves around certain characters more than others- as does Cult of Morgod. 
Ways of the Stygia- Banner is a short Novella about the night stalker and his escape from Purgatory- inside and out.  Ways of the Stygia- Cult of Morgod reveals much about the realms Thomas Van Pelt ventures.  Morgod employs the Stygia- the power of the destructor- the abyss and his Revels to decimate life…
Back to Purgatory.  This is where it begins folks- with Kain and Purgatory, and the abyss that hangs at the borders of the realm, where not annexed by the Barren Lands.  The Barrens has a unique history as Kain created the realm.  Though Eliza and Jehovah created the rest of the Seven Realms, there would have been only five- Quantanost, Havendell, Purgatory, Earth, and the Underworld.  Kain created the Fringe to enter Earth…  Few know how he accomplished what he did to achieve the feat of creating the spectral gate known as The Fringe- let alone the Barrens- later lorded over by Loki and Tyrrell respectively.
These are some of the underlying dynamics within Ways of the Stygia. 
Where Thomas Van Pelt creates balance, others create chaos.  As Kain and Van Pelt both know, the Stygia speaks.  All you need to do is understand its language.
One question raised is if both Kain and Thomas hear the void speak, then why is one evil, and not the other?  Perhaps then you would ask the same question I often do…
Is Kain evil?
Is Thomas?

Perspective changes everything. 

I am a different person after writing Ways of the Stygia.  But then, I have always been different.  I admit that I am biased towards certain characters.  The Conduit (Van Pelt) and the Void Master (Kain) receive a fair amount of attention, as do Franco, Henry, Banner, Pye, Piron, Noga, Lucifer, & Loki…  Should I go on?

The main purpose of the Stygia is to grow within reality, until it is unreality- nothing- a part of the abyss.  It works through its generals, as well as its foot soldiers- otherwise known as Black Marks.  A Black Mark serves the Stygia without knowing they are doing so- think serial killers, murderous cutthroats and molesters- that unsavory element which helps to “lower the bar” for morality.  As the violent acts of the Black Marks desensitize the masses to violence, and other dark or darker deeds, the shadows slide in, spreading obsidian and abysmal slumbering nights upon the populace.  
Black Marks are not the worst fiends the Stygia employs in its quest- and some of them are fully aware.  Think of them as a beast, with several heads (overlords) possessing a singular motive—uncreation.
As Darrel says; “Everything is black in the end- everything.”
So in both Cult of Morgod and Fallen Song the Conduit sets out to achieve balance- and to be victorious for the light…
Well, that’s totally the end for this article.  I bet it did little to clear things it up for you… lol.  Then again, I promise I will explain much more about Ways of the Stygia and its many mechanics in future articles.

Stay tuned,

Donny Swords

Follow Ways of the Stygia by Donny Swords on Facebook (Here)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Meet Your Blogger: Jennifer Herring

My name is Jennifer Herring.  The photo above is of me and my Grandpa; he is a WWII Navy veteran.  I am the primary editor here at Primal Publications.  I came upon this position by reading Donny Swords' work.  His writing was incredible; I did, however, notice some mistakes and pointed them out to him.  He asked me to help edit his next book.  I did.  I found that I missed reading.  I had been so busy living my life that I neglected my passion for reading.  I have since found a passion for writing again.  I wrote a lot when I was a teenager and was forced to write a lot in college.  I do enjoy writing, and often am told that I am good at it.  I feel that I lack imagination so I stick to mostly writing what I know.  That's why those Psychology research papers were so easy for me.  I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology.  I do not use my degree.  I work at Target as a front-end supervisor.  I love the flexibility they offer me.  I took June and July off to spend the summer with my kids.  They are both boys, 8 and 10.  Being a mom is what I always wanted to do with my life.  I recently got divorced and do not get to spend as much time with my kiddos as I was accustomed to.  It does give me more time to focus on my other passions though, making better works for you all to read.  I am currently doing research to start writing my first book.  It will be non-fiction.  I just hope I can fight through the doubt and lack of motivation and actually do it.  I look forward to bringing you incredible works.  This has been an amazing learning experience for me and I have thought about going back to school to learn more about writing/editing.  I am by no means perfect.  There is much I don't know.  Feel free to point out anything you think would be helpful.  I am not a huge fan of technology and am a little outdated as far as that goes.  I do not know how to use Twitter or Instagram.  Facebook is about as techy as I get.  I am trying though.  I will try to keep you posted on the ins and outs of writing, editing, and formatting.  Again, I am no expert, but I strive for perfection.