Friday, November 21, 2014

Stuff & stuff n' stuff.

Those ties that bind.

So its tough sometimes holding back in life and being scared to take chances.  I guess that's why I do Retail Hell.  That's a good way to blow off steam.  Thing is, turkey day is almost here.

It's a cool thingy-ma-bob, the ingenious marketing machine retail stores use to cheat their workers of
Get this!
time they should get to spend at home or with their families.  Alas, Episode 7 will explore some of this stuff.

Speaking of stuff,  Retail Hell Six Pack is out this week,(Nov 27) on gobelly-gobelly-goo day- the day turkey's are eaten.  When you watch football, drink beer, eat pumpkin pie, and stuff like that.

I just want to say, take a second and breathe through the holidays.  Don't let your brain explode. Enjoy stuff.  Especially those you love.  Be grateful and give if you can.  Its cool not to be greedy, to give without expectations in return, and 'tis the season.

I would love for all of you to take advantage and pick up Retail Hell Six Pack on pre-order today.  It's like half off the normal price for Episodes 1-6, or Free on Kindle Unlimited.  But hey, I'm having fun- I just hope to have you join in.  Don't forget to be safe out there- I'll check you next time.

The one, the 
Dirk Fender

Monday, November 10, 2014

Pseudo irrelevance

Whats shaking?

I'm just living the domestic life.  Chilling, maintaining.  I have a bunch of stuff I'm trying to concentrate on.  It's funny.  No matter how big everything is that's going on, I stay tapped into Retail Hell.  This whole thing has been pretty cool.  But I'm lucky.  I came into this with zero expectations.

It did not take long for me to get a taste of the disappointment so many self-published authors go through.  The difference for me is Primal Publications.  They told me how things often are.  It has been eye opening.

I have to admit that I might have given up if I had wanted riches.  It's cool that some of you are reading.  Thing is, I just throw caution to the wind.  As Madonna put it, I express myself.  Peter is sort of me, minus the 80's and drug abuse.  See, I work in a kind of lame job- where I feel unappreciated, and underpaid.  So Retail Hell hits me in ways.

Read the parts about ogres, and you will know some passages are God's truth.  Though Retail Hell causes laughs, its also not without its own share of realism.  It is fun to write this stuff...

Episodes 1-6 of  are out on Amazon- designed as Kindle Unlimited shorts, and On Nov. 27 Six Pack, which can be pre-ordered, will arrive.  So if you missed EP 1-6 don't worry- we've got your back. Those who do not use Kindle Unlimited and purchase outright will enjoy a 50% discount over buying separate episodes by buying Six Pack.

I am also offering Retail Hell Free for reviews, just contact me or better yet, through Facebook. You better like raunchy and you better like short.  Six Pack concludes the fist story arch.  Wait, soon I am launching more beasties, cool episodes where Peter faces deeper issues.  Seems being boss at 35 comes with its share of stresses...

Anyhow, Thanks again for the support.  Read Retail Hell and ignore that real one...  Bless you all.

Dirk Fender

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Meet Your Blogger: Lynn Kings

Oh technology...

Hi everyone,

Lynn Kings here.  This blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and such is so overwhelming.  No, I am not that old.  Not even 40 yet.  ;)  So, I know that many of you have no idea who I am or what I am doing here on the Primal Publications team.  I have loved writing since elementary school.  I got all A's and B's throughout school.  I grew up with my brother and sister in Phoenix, AZ.  I am friends with Jen and through her, Donny.  They have both been helpful with the first book I am working on.  Jen and Donny both have given me tips as far as formatting for the different websites and just plain insights into how this stuff works.  I already have my Facebook page up and running and I haven't released my first book yet.  The first book I am working on will be autobiographical.  It is the story of my personal struggle with depression with insights into my memories and thoughts leading me to feel the way I did/do.  I don't know if it will be interesting to anyone but me, but I am writing it more for me than anything anyway.  After seeing all the indie authors on Facebook, I was inspired to start a fiction story as well.  It will be an erotic romance, titled Wounded Heart.  Much of the time I feel like I have no idea what I am doing.  I am grateful to have people in my life that are able to help me organize my work and support me that the stuff I am writing is readable.  I can't anticipate blogging often.  This was kind of a nightmare to figure out.  My blood pressure is just now dropping. 

Much love,

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dude, It's Halloween!

Ha!  Got you.  This post is not about Halloween...  :)    

I know.  

Dude,  Sorry.  I fucking love Halloween!  I do.  I Just need to be heard man, I'm drowning in a pit of retail nonsense, loneliness, and self loathing- and I smoke lots.  Chills me out, but I get wacky thoughts. So I'm going to say stuff now, cause its my blog post.  I hope you don't step off.

I just thought I'd regurgitate my thoughts here, and see if any of them walk, or take form.  So if you haven't already guessed, I work for a large retail chain.  I also play guitar.  I love Satriani. I used to play in a band.  I've seen a bunch of stuff.

So when I began writing Retail Hell, I just wanted to see if it might get read- by anyone.  I'm pleased to say it's actually done pretty well.   Episode 1: Ellen & the Shoplifter made it #47 on Amazon.  It's funny so far.  I want to go deeper down, dig in- make people laugh until their guts explode.

Expect the next block of Retail Hell Episodes to expose much more about day to day operations at Fuktard's (Peter's store) and for Pete's battle against Dickie's interruptions to intensify.

Through a scientifically plotted device, a new viable option will appear on November 27th for Retail Hell newcomers to review everything that has happened so far.

This will be the release of Dirk Fender's Retail Hell: Six Pack, the pre-release is available for purchase here.

But you really should check out Episode 6: Whipped Hella-Weenie, if you haven't yet.  Oh and dude, if you're totally behind you can read the entire series Free on Kindle Unlimited.  It's for adults, and its wild... but this is only the start.

I have several new episodes plotted out, actually until the series ends. Then I have another project coming.  A different take, from a rare lifestyle.  It will surely rock.

Anyhow, I have to thank you all for reading my stuff on Kindle.  It's been cool to see the hits on my sales chart. You know how to make a guy feel good.

Be yaking with you soon,


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

About Tales From Darker Places

Darker Places


Dark places, where even in the brightest day things unimaginable hide.  Those hallowed hells, pits of ruin found not only in nature, but also in men.  Within the recesses of the mind, we find them.  In hearts, they linger.  They fester in thoughts, and grow with deeds.  Ebon and foul, unholy and scorned, they prosper through despair, with desperate longings, through unrequited love.

No one truly fathoms where sorrow takes the mind, where anger drives it, or where hopelessness leads it.  We are all unique, similar but wholly different, wonderment, and despicable.

All we need is a catalyst to set us forth.  Oh the shadows we could see, the dark places we would know, not only in our hearts, but also in the world, above and below.  What drives one man to the brink of insanity is another’s breezy day…

Free on Lulu

Welcome, I bid you welcome.  Let’s talk nightmares.  Shall we?  I am proud to announce the Lulu, Kindle, & trade paperback versions of The Indie Collaboration Presents:  Tales from Darker Places: A chilling horror anthology!


Synopsis: A selection of chilling stories from some of the best Indie authors on the market. We dare you to venture into these pages of spine chilling tales and stories of dark shadows & darker tidings, shifters, ancient warriors, zombies, & demons… See the world through the Ripper’s eyes, and so much more. So many dark, foul things wait for you between these pages. Freely donated by the authors themselves, these dark passages are a great example of their various, unique styles and imaginations.
Join us in Darker Places.

Brought to you by The Indie Collaboration.


A bit of backstory.  I know- I ramble, I’ll try to be brief…

I was invited to join the Indie Collaboration early this year.  It has proved to be an awesome exercise for my writing, and has gotten me a few allies I have truly enjoyed working with.  I was excited to join and I am proud of our work together.  I hope to continue to work with these authors at Primal Publications, where I plan to coordinate the release of two anthologies next year. 

Together, we have produced four volumes since my introduction to the group.  The first I was part of is a truly unique children’s s edition, Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tales.  Then came the often overlooked gem Summer Shorts.

Boots? My contribution to the 5th The Indie Collaboration Presents series, is not a story that is alike my usual fare.  It does not contain a single death.

Then came Spectacular Tales: the Sci-Fi Edition.  My story, Sparks, is one I am really fond of.  It stars Ufburk, a Barbarian who discovers something within the wreckage of an alien Starfighter vessel.  Give them all a read, they are FREE on Smashwords.

But this post isn’t about those cool anthologies.  Nope.

I had the itch right away.  I spoke up, and offered to do a sequel to The Indie Collaboration’s Dark Places: The Halloween Edition.  It is important to note that Dark Places veterans Chris Raven and Alan Hardy return in Darker Places: A chilling horror anthology. Their stories bring significant weight to what I feel is a heavy hitting volume.  Everyone was so encouraging.  So here we are.

I wrote my three stories earlier this year, before the run of various platform releases of my books in eBooks and trade paperbacks.  I love all of them.  As a group, I recalled us deciding that Dark Places, my story, should kick things off, so this is how it starts. 

When most the stories were in, I suggested we try a fresh format.  I call this my “Morgod” format, as this is how I formatted Ways of the Stygia Cult of Morgod.  I’m proud to say the format functions and looks excellent. 

Of the stories involved, I have read every word, and cherished many of them, cringing at some as I edited them.  When the first of these stories started coming in, Chris Raven’s Wormshead Manuscript really encouraged me, I knew then this would be as great a book as it is.  It really came together well. Chris’ other offering The Sham continues the C.R. tradition of solid, readable tales, that deliver.  A.L. Butcher’s So many nights, So many sins is a significant gesture within the book, but coupled with Blade in the Night, A tale of Jack the Ripper? Oh Lord.  This is the grit of ebon night gone foul with beauty in scarlet death, dealt by two noteworthy villainous characters.

Alan Hardy’s story will shake you out of balance.  It is a darkly disturbing story that feels real enough to discomfort even the most calloused.  Though Alan’s prose sings throughout to such an extent that Double becomes one to remember.

Adam Bigden’s Where?  Was a justifiable follow-up to Alan Hardy’s Double.  Well written and revealing, and of course dark.

Dani J Caile, from Hungary, is a cool writer.  First out of the gate is, A day in the life of a Zombie, This story was the last to arrive, as I was formatting the paperback and designing the  cover no less, and was worth waiting for.  It was the icing on the cake- exactly what we needed, for balance’s sake.  Read it, I think you’ll love it.  His catchy story Payback is a fantastic way to close a great read.

My stories, Dark Places, (see excerpt), The Cleansing Bar, & Sandra are definitely fun.  I found it exhilarating to show restraint, while maintaining the ability to scare at least a few folks. 

Dark Places begins with another member of the Baldric Family...  You may recall Dietrich, Helen’s father from my novel The Bitter Ends.  I often do this, have recurring characters such as the Baldric’s, Lilith, or her sister Jezebel peppered throughout my stories.   In my new free release on Lulu, (also available for under $5 in paperback) 7 Slices, the final story, Only a dream away is related to the Bitter Ends franchise as well, though the main character, Edwin Taft is no Baldric. 

My main point is that several of my novels and characters are a part of either The Bitter Ends landscape or my Ways of the Stygia universe.  The Cleansing Bar’s character Terra, appears in the The Vampire Faus, Dragon Stone, which takes place in 200 B.C. Faus is linked to Kain, from WotS.  The Cleansing Bar is the opening segment to my novel Favor of the Gods.  FotG will release in 2015.

Sandra is a pre-view story from my upcoming flesh eater/character driven short story novel- The Bitter Ends, Other Side of Town.  Expect plenty of dark zombie action…

As for Tales From Darker Places, the book is a gem, and it was a pleasure to have a hand in producing it.  I do think you’ll love it, and pray it frightens you…

In closing, I am going to say you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by reading this collection- except possibly a wink of sleep or two.  Though this is the season for scary.  We would love for you to give Darker Places a read through. 

 Thanks again for reading,

Donny Swords

Want to know more?  Here is a link to A.L. Butcher’s article on Darker Places.
For Kindle version click Here

Get Paperback

Meet Your Blogger: Dirk Fender


I'm not too good at ice breakers.  I guess I should introduce myself.  I'm Dirk Fender.  I'm 35, and I live in Oregon.  I'm raising my nephew alone. I work retail.

I've written for most my life.  This and that.

Out of curiosity,  I sent some of my stuff over to Donny Swords at Primal Publications and now he is helping me publish my Kindle Unlimited series Retail Hell. These are rather wild stories.  They are definitely adult humor for those who like a lot of naughty stuff going on.

Retail Hell is centered on Peter- a thirty-something retail worker in the 80's.  It's a fun slant on stuff.

I have a couple of other things planned to publish at P.P.  But for now, Retail Hell is what I'm doing.  Expect new episodes one or twice per month for awhile.

Closing, I want to thank all those who already have bought Retail Hell!  I was even #47 last week in the Kindle Store!

I will be blogging stuff for Primal Publications, so this is where to find me.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Unrelenting by Travis Ludvigson: A review from the Void

                                                               Buy   UNRELENTING

A Northwoods Myth

By Travis Ludvigson
Unrelenting puts a modern day twist to a far older legend.  As I began reading, I felt immediately comfortable with the cast.  I found the author’s portrayal of each character easy to take in, believe, and adopt as truth.  This became a highlight throughout the well-written story.  The easier it was to believe how each person would react, the scarier this story grew.
I loved the tension between character personalities.  I got the feeling that because of their military service, each character has a bond with their fellows because of that shared experience.  I also had the feeling that without their common bond, some would not be friends with others.  There is comradery on display instead.  This is far more realistic than most casts in stories like this one.
In the opening, the group of friends has chosen to go on a camping trip together.  When they arrive and set up camp, everything is fine-until things go awry. 
No spoilers.
The author’s descriptive prose delivered these segments believably, realistically, and descriptively, some dark things did fester in my brain as I read them.  I found the story increasingly more involving.  At this point the reader has either invested themselves entirely, or not, I fell into the invested group.   The creature was cool- and by cool I mean the author knew his business.  Travis Ludvigson re-told the legend for fresh ears, and tied his name to it.  I really enjoyed the direction the story took while handling the creature.  There were some big surprises, and exciting action throughout Unrelenting’s  ending.
I was not disappointed.
Should you buy and read this book?  Yes.   One of the best features of this book is it delivers a short read, (it took me around two hours) that engages. 
To learn more about Travis Ludvigson, visit the following links:


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Interviews from the Void: Tom Barczak

Interview with the Devil (click here)

It is my privilege to introduce Tom Barczak.  I have found Tom refreshing, both as a writer and person.  His writing has the ability to transform the mind, placing the reader in the moment.  Tom has been busy finishing up his new novel Mouth of the Dragon, and readying his first audiobook, the release of Veil of the Dragon.  


Thanks for the interview Tom.  Could you tell us a little about yourself?

You’re welcome. My privilege. And yes, I can.

I’m an Architect in Norman, Oklahoma, where I live and raise my three sons. I paint, write poetry and music, and I also write books. My novel, Veil of the Dragon, along with the Illustrated Kindle serials, Awakening Evarun, Fall of the Chosen, and Wolfbane. I have short stories published in the anthologies What Scares the Boogeyman, Nine Heroes, and Terror by Gaslight. I am also a twice published author in the award winning Heroes in Hell series by Janet Morris. My first Audiobook, for Veil of the Dragon, will be out within the month.

As an architect and painter are you making something from literally nothing, the same as a blank page?

Honestly, I’ve always liked this idea that the story, the painting, whatever, is already done. I just get to see it where others don’t. What I get to do is translate it in a way that honors it and hopefully does it some justice. So the kicker for me is in the listening and the seeing. I don’t know if that’s so much me not taking responsibility for the story or the work, but rather staying humble about where it comes from. I find I do better when I don’t make it about me and simply accept the story as a gift that I just happen to get to tell. Certainly takes away a lot of the pressure of the blank slate.

What inspires you?

Everything. Mostly honesty. Truth. Funny thing about fiction is you can never really lie. Certainly my truth is going to be different from somebody else, but that’s the point isn’t it. If I try to tell anything else, I’m a liar. So long story short, I find inspiration in life as I live and have lived it. Sometimes it’s cloaked, veiled as dragons or werewolves or heroes of old, but in the end, I believe it’s our own hero’s journey that we scribe. I don’t know any other story I could tell. For me, honestly, I only got serious about writing after my daughter died. She was my only child at the time. Her name was Olivia and she was 2 ½ and the love of my life. So very much of that, and everything that has happened in my life since then, it is the absolute foundation of my work. It’s just a part of who I am. I will never be able to not write about that.

When I read Veil of the Dragon I was surprised by the dragon.  What is your take on the dragon?

It’s fear.

Is Chaelus your type of hero?

Yes and no. Yes, in that his spiritual / hero’s journey has been mine. No, in the sense that sometimes I want a hero to help me escape, and he will never do that for me because he’s just too close.  What he’s been really great for is being someone, I can explore new parts of myself with. In that sense he’s the perfect hero for me, in that he helps me to reach beyond what I know.

You write for the Hell series, how is that going?

It’s Dante’s Inferno meets the Screwtape Letters.

It’s amazing. The series draws upon such a pantheon of great writers. All of them with such widely different skill sets.

I’m still in awe that I get the privilege of writing for a series that has been ongoing since I was in High School. I remember first seeing them too, on the shelves of Walden Books at Quail Springs Mall. And the creators, Janet and Chris, are both amazing as well and I can’t imagine being where I’m at now without their being a part of it.

Tell us about your werewolf shorts.

Wolfbane. It’s a campy irreverent, sexy, urban fantasy serial. I was a little nervous about it at first. But fell in love with it fast. It’s a great departure from the fantasy I normally write.  And I love writing serials like I first did with “Awakening Evarun”.

Tell us about Evarun.

Awakening Evarun is a 6 part illustrated epic serial and prequel to my novel series Prophecy of the Evarun, of which part one, “Veil of the Dragon” has been released.

Evarun is the mythology around which most of my fantasy work centers. The Evarun are a race of people who left the world as a protection of their own perfection. In doing so they plunged the rest of the world, the Pale, into unending suffering. The only hope for those left behind lies in a prophecy that was left for them and a prophet repeatedly sent back to try to save them. But it’s like throwing a few scraps of bread to a starving man when you’re the one who took all of his food to begin with. All the while it’s the Evarun never should have left.

The story line of Awakening Evarun itself, is what started it all for me and I didn’t even write it first. I had finished  up Veil of the Dragon and sending out queries, and had a discussion with someone about doing short serials for Kindle, kind of as a get your feet wet sort of thing. Mostly to help me build up my base while I tried to get my novel published. So, I had all this backstory that was just waiting to be written. So I did. Wrote then published each part one at a time. It was almost like doing performance art once I did the first one, because it just kind of wrote itself, and each within a 2-3 month time frame.

How much of your time does writing take?

Not enough. I wish I could write more, but have decided its best for my children and myself both, if I have a little balance in my life. I write something most every day/ Sometimes it’s only a few words, some days a few pages. I quit making excuses a while ago when I realized as a single dad with 3 boys, I’ll never just have a whole day to write any time soon.

Do you edit yourself?

I do as much as I can myself. But I always have somebody else edit as well.

My style is much more direct than yours.  When reading Veil of the Dragon, I almost imagined each line as a brush stroke on a canvas… Tell me about your processes.

I write in layers. First pass is almost like a screen play because that is how I see them, like a movie. Then I go back and fill it in by layers. An agent I worked with gave me the best phrase for it, for me it’s like painting between the buildings. Sometimes I don’t like it, and I wish I could be more direct, but it’s just how I write.

How important are reviews?  For sales?  For marketing?

They’re both incredibly important and incredibly dangerous. See below.

How do you feel when you get a good review?

Encouraged. Confident. Somewhat vindicated, and that’s when it can go wrong. When I start taking credit for what I really believe is so much bigger than me. But without good reviews you don’t sell books, so I just have to learn to take them all with a grain of salt. And be grateful that I get good reviews for what I write.

Does it hurt your feelings when you receive criticism through reviews?

Yes, sometimes more so than others. After 4 years of Art School and 5 years of Graduate Architecture School I’ve learned to take criticism. But writing is a little more personal for me, even than my paintings. So as with life, you take what you like and leave the rest. Fortunately most of my criticism has tended to be from people repulsed by even the most oblique reference to a spiritual life, and frankly, people like that just won’t like what I write, and guess I have to be ok with that.

How do you feel you are doing as far as connecting with, and gaining an audience?

Depends on what day you ask me. The truth is I’m doing amazingly well. Particularly considering from where, and how long ago, I started, and how much time I actually have to put into it. As of this date I’ve self- published 9 short stories and one novel, and traditionally published 5 short stories. My second novel, Mouth of the Dragon, should be sent off to the publisher hopefully by Christmas. I’m really excited about my first audiobook, for Veil of the Dragon being scheduled for release in a month. The narrator, Neil Hellegers is amazing. And the only way from here is up. And every day I get a little bit better, and little bit closer to my Muse.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share.

Tom Barczak


Veil of the Dragon

Awakening Evarun




Novels & Links

The Bitter Ends

Somewhere in the Bible Belt Gateway has gone insane.  Who knew what would come?  Thrust into the end of times, Gateway’s citizens attempt to outrun the zombie outbreak… 


Discover 12 unique stories, and see how Gateway’s main cast fares against the deadheads.  See how they live.  Watch lives expire and people become heroes or villains.  The Bitter Ends is more than just a book about zombies.  It is about the characters, like Anna.  It is seeing what ordinary people might do in a zombie apocalypse and unordinary ones too.  
Will any of them survive?  Or Will They All Meet Their Bitter Ends?
(Amazon)  (Facebook)  (iBooks)  (B&N)  (Kobo)

Ways of the Stygia  (Facebook) 

Ways of the Stygia- Cult of Morgod  (Book 1)  Releases September 19th 2014


Destruction.  To see something destroyed, gone.  None can deny its appeal.  To the abyss, nothing is forever.  To the World-Eater creation is flawed… Flesh is weak.  Souls are fodder- fuel.  Power is endless.  The Stygia grants unlimited strength to the daring… Slavery and death are a means to an end…  For Morgod , everything must burn.  Ruination must reign immaculate.


Heroes come in many forms.  For who is truly evil?  There are shades of light and dark.  Left with two choices, survival or total annihilation, the cosmos displays signs of harmony.

They face a common foe.

Ways of the Stygia- Fallen Song  (Book 2)


Thomas Van Pelt lived a normal life. On one dreary raining evening that all changed. His work as a CSI investigator had led him to yet another crime scene, and there, prompted by his primal senses he discovered the ancient artifact that would that day forward alter his own life and the fate of the universe itself
. The ancient weapon Fallen Song summons Thomas, and reawakens his forgotten past. He embarks on his new calling- bringing justice to the guilty, the ones who would otherwise remain free to perpetrate their vile acts on the unsuspecting.

 Thomas is reunited with past allies and embarks on an epic adventure involving demons, necromancers, deities, vampires, sorcerers and the terrorists of Purgatory itself, the night stalker. Get pulled away to new lands, terrible enough to cost you sleep and see what ends Thomas will go to in his quest to bring a new era of light to an ailing universe.


Ways of the Stygia- Fallen Song is intended for mature audiences.

 (Facebook)  (.99 Nook)  (B&N)  ( Amazon)  (.99 Kobo)

Ways of the Stygia- Banner  (Character Novella 1)

In Purgatory, there is one law.  It is damnation.

The abyss plots as the gods use its powers to suit themselves.  Born of the void, to the hostile landscapes of Purgatory, not as a child, and not as a man, Banner must overcome his roots.  The realm of Purgatory does not forgive so easily, suffering is ceaseless.  It is a realm where death grants rebirth so suffering can begin anew.  Those of his race are bred killers, evil, and cold to their marrows.

Banner, a night stalker set apart from his peers in extremity faces an uncertain future as he attempts to leave Purgatory and the nightmares behind.

                             He cannot do it alone...

 (B&N)  (Amazon)


Free on Smashwords across all e-reader platforms.


The Indie Collaboration Presents


Snips, Snails, & Puppy Dog Tales


(The Wacky Adventures of Bob & Dill, Case of the Missing Ghost & Barracuda Blast by D. Swords)

Summer Shorts


(Boots by Donny Swords)


Spectacular Tales


(Sparks by Donny Swords)


Tales from Darker Places


Releases October 25th, 2013


3 stories by Donny Swords


Coming Soon:

The Bitter Ends_ Other Side of Town-  Tentative street date Oct 25th, 2014


7 Slices - November 2014