Friday, November 21, 2014

Stuff & stuff n' stuff.

Those ties that bind.

So its tough sometimes holding back in life and being scared to take chances.  I guess that's why I do Retail Hell.  That's a good way to blow off steam.  Thing is, turkey day is almost here.

It's a cool thingy-ma-bob, the ingenious marketing machine retail stores use to cheat their workers of
Get this!
time they should get to spend at home or with their families.  Alas, Episode 7 will explore some of this stuff.

Speaking of stuff,  Retail Hell Six Pack is out this week,(Nov 27) on gobelly-gobelly-goo day- the day turkey's are eaten.  When you watch football, drink beer, eat pumpkin pie, and stuff like that.

I just want to say, take a second and breathe through the holidays.  Don't let your brain explode. Enjoy stuff.  Especially those you love.  Be grateful and give if you can.  Its cool not to be greedy, to give without expectations in return, and 'tis the season.

I would love for all of you to take advantage and pick up Retail Hell Six Pack on pre-order today.  It's like half off the normal price for Episodes 1-6, or Free on Kindle Unlimited.  But hey, I'm having fun- I just hope to have you join in.  Don't forget to be safe out there- I'll check you next time.

The one, the 
Dirk Fender

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