I've written for most my life. This and that.
Out of curiosity, I sent some of my stuff over to Donny Swords at Primal Publications and now he is helping me publish my Kindle Unlimited series Retail Hell. These are rather wild stories. They are definitely adult humor for those who like a lot of naughty stuff going on.
Retail Hell is centered on Peter- a thirty-something retail worker in the 80's. It's a fun slant on stuff.
I have a couple of other things planned to publish at P.P. But for now, Retail Hell is what I'm doing. Expect new episodes one or twice per month for awhile.
Closing, I want to thank all those who already have bought Retail Hell! I was even #47 last week in the Kindle Store!
I will be blogging stuff for Primal Publications, so this is where to find me.
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