Monday, August 18, 2014

Meet Your Blogger: Jennifer Herring

My name is Jennifer Herring.  The photo above is of me and my Grandpa; he is a WWII Navy veteran.  I am the primary editor here at Primal Publications.  I came upon this position by reading Donny Swords' work.  His writing was incredible; I did, however, notice some mistakes and pointed them out to him.  He asked me to help edit his next book.  I did.  I found that I missed reading.  I had been so busy living my life that I neglected my passion for reading.  I have since found a passion for writing again.  I wrote a lot when I was a teenager and was forced to write a lot in college.  I do enjoy writing, and often am told that I am good at it.  I feel that I lack imagination so I stick to mostly writing what I know.  That's why those Psychology research papers were so easy for me.  I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology.  I do not use my degree.  I work at Target as a front-end supervisor.  I love the flexibility they offer me.  I took June and July off to spend the summer with my kids.  They are both boys, 8 and 10.  Being a mom is what I always wanted to do with my life.  I recently got divorced and do not get to spend as much time with my kiddos as I was accustomed to.  It does give me more time to focus on my other passions though, making better works for you all to read.  I am currently doing research to start writing my first book.  It will be non-fiction.  I just hope I can fight through the doubt and lack of motivation and actually do it.  I look forward to bringing you incredible works.  This has been an amazing learning experience for me and I have thought about going back to school to learn more about writing/editing.  I am by no means perfect.  There is much I don't know.  Feel free to point out anything you think would be helpful.  I am not a huge fan of technology and am a little outdated as far as that goes.  I do not know how to use Twitter or Instagram.  Facebook is about as techy as I get.  I am trying though.  I will try to keep you posted on the ins and outs of writing, editing, and formatting.  Again, I am no expert, but I strive for perfection.

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